Pizza returns to The Little Fleet! Traverse City Pizza Company will be offering hand crafted brick oven pizzas.
Tell us about your truck:
Traverse City Pizza Co.: In addition to serving great brick oven pizzas we intend to offer zucchini crusts and staff the truck in a way that will keep up with the demand of the little fleet following. People won’t have to endure the long wait times of the past.
Tell us something about the menu that you are excited about:
Traverse City Pizza Co.: Hand crafted brick oven pizza, fresh salad, and Ice cream.
What are you listening to while you cook or do work?
Traverse City Pizza Co.: Mostly classic rock for me and Scott. Some new hits as well. We are excited to jam out to all different kinds of tunes. Knowing the staff it could be Disney music if “Fry” is working.
What's your favorite drink at The Little Fleet?
Traverse City Pizza Co.: Margarita! Sooo good!
What's your favorite hike in the area?
Traverse City Pizza Co.: I’m a sucker for snowshoeing to the land of the giants near ranch Rudolph.
What local produce are you most looking forward to using this year on the truck?
Traverse City Pizza Co.: We can’t wait to buy local cherries amongst other local produce! One of our signature Za’s is the TC. Ruben. Local cherries combined with sweet kraut and local louies corn beef.
Do you have a favorite Little Fleet experience?
Traverse City Pizza Co.: Live music nights and the block party.